Thursday, October 18, 2012

Abstaining, from Facebook

  • Jon Stewart gives me hope and a laugh
  • The best way to become sick of pumpkin is to "forget" that your wife doesn't like pumpkin pie and that your son won't eat squash and then bake an entire dish of tofu pumpkin custard.  
  • Taking a nap sucks, not taking a nap sucks too.
  • When you only get to preach once or twice a month it's challenging to figure out WHICH of the points you want to make.
  • Friendly grandpa types wearing "vote yes"  (to amend the constitution to only acknowledge marriage between one man and one woman as valid) create in me a combination of cognitive discord and despair.  
  • Temporarily disabling one's face book account makes it really obvious how reliant I've become on face book for "keeping up" with people I care about.
  • It also allows me to continue to love and respect people who have are suffering from a temporary, and election season induced, form of insanity.   
  • The prospect of my first solo retreat fills me with excitement and anxiety.
  • My kid requested that I make "peezaaa baullsss" for dinner, otherwise known as vegan meatballs with spaghetti sauce.  
  • Clergy calling clergy to discuss constitutional amendments is WAY more fun than calling the voter rolls.  
  • I will be kinder to pollsters in the future--especially if they are volunteers.  

And, that in bullet points is the update of status updates I would have posted but haven't because I quit face book until the week after the election...


Anonymous said...

I totally hear you on Facebook. I actually caught myself worrying in the shower about what would happen when Facebook finally has had it's time. I think I'd prefer to worry about too much pumpkin pie instead!

MLG said...

Hi Joy! Happy abstinence. Can you email me so that I might connect you with a mutual old friend who needs Ohio help?

Persnickety said...

I hear you on the facebook abstinence, despite its convenience.
And yay on the election results! The state where I am recently installed a conservative government and one of the first things they did was dismantle the civil partnership option. :-( Very shortsighted and frustrating.