Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Something that Hurts my Heart

When straight folk (good, loving, kind ones) say that they are for "gay marriage" because they want gay folks to be able to have the same loving, committed, stable relationships that straight people have.

Gay folk ALREADY have loving, committed, stable relationships...

we just don't have any legal rights or protections.


Manisha said...

I'm sorry this hurts. It's really annoying and there is definitely a lack of understanding in terms of the full issue. But I'm sure their hearts are in the right place - nonetheless annoying and hurtful.

I remember what Dolly Parton said years ago about gay couples having the right to be as miserable as married straight couples. Sort of the same sentiment but a bit funnier.

It will be even more strange for our children when they have to figure out how messed up society was in the early 21st century. You know things are going to change, right? With fingers crossed that it happens sooner rather than later...

Joy said...

I know the hearts are in the right question there. I just find it a hard one to hear...and I do hope that our kids will think of this all as some long ago, bizarre thing--something largely irrelevant to their own lives!

Anonymous said...

That's one of the things that really gets to me too--about the kind, well-meaning straight folks and the scary mean ones. Our families exist right now and whatever laws you make aren't going to change that fact. It will just make our lives much harder and more expensive.

Joy said...

I hear you on expensive! It seems that every step of creating families has an added layer of expense. From pre-conception to second parent adoptions to power of attorneys to shared parenting agreements...complicated and EXPENSIVE!

Joy said...

I hear you on expensive! It seems that every step of creating families has an added layer of expense. From pre-conception to second parent adoptions to power of attorneys to shared parenting agreements...complicated and EXPENSIVE!