Saturday, July 25, 2009

Episcopal Cafe Essay

After a steady diet of General Convention on all things Episcopal/Anglican sites I have an essay published that has NOTHING to do with convention...but everything to do with the household of God. Feel free to peruse, and comment, as I share the details of my first baptism. I wrote this essay in light of my first baptism in a church setting--all my other baptisms as a priest had taken place in the hospital. So, I reflected on what was my first--and will continue to reflect on what it means for the crucifixion and baptism to be so intertwined in my theological understanding.


KD said...

Oh, Joy, even now I can feel your pain and sorrow. And I am so glad that it was you there with that child and that family. Thank you.

Joy said...

Thanks. It's less pain now than it used to be.